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Most Popular Camera on Flickr : Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT

Thousands of photos are uploaded and shared on Flickr daily, which has emerged as a popular hub for online photo management and sharing. Now Flickr shares with you trends of the most popular cameras and cameraphones on Flickr.

These graphs show the number of Flickr members who have uploaded at least one photo with a particular camera on a given day over the last year and display a change in the camera’s popularity relative to all other cameras used by Flickr members.

The most popular camera in the Flickr Community by a large extent is Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT. Its a DSLR camera with 8 megapixels resolution and 3x optical zoom. The Nikon D50 camera is slowly rising up the charts to give competition. The most popular Point & Shoot Camera is Canon PowerShot SD600, a 6MP Digital Elph Camera with 3x optical zoom. The most popular cameraphone is Nokia N73.

Regarding the accuracy of the charts, they say –

“The graphs are only accurate to the extent that we can automatically detect the camera used to take the photo (about 2/3rds of the time). That is not usually possible with cameraphone photos and cameraphones are therefore under-represented.”

BTW I was surprised to see that the Featured Model, presently Nikon D80, which takes up all the above the fold screen space – is actually a sponsored advertisement!