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Digg, Microsoft, WordPress Get New Professional Web Designs

Top websites are undergoing professional web designing to greet visitors this holiday season. These sites are so popular that you might have already noticed the changes. They are now more usable, navigable and beautiful. now goes widescreen and will look better on larger monitors. A quick view of the top 10 hottest on Digg, updated in real time keeps you ahead of fast paced Digg front page. Videos Enhancements, podcasting and profile enhancements. has launched the next version of their home page
“The new design features some modern (you could say Web 2.0?) design touches, including gradients and dynamic elements. The front page now appears to contain as much, if not far more, information and links than before, while having more white space, less clutter and taking up less space than before.”
has launched a new design
“We’ve added a bit of color, more prominent use of avatars, better highlighting of popular content, and hot tags so people can see some of the latest posts in popular topics. (In different languages!)”

You could hire a professional web designer to redesign your blog and make your blog SEO optimized, but they don’t come cheap.