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Random Posts WordPress Plugin for Lazy Blog Surfing

Want to let readers spend some extra time on a blog checking out random posts? Give an opportunity to lazy surfers to browse random content from your blog using the Random Redirect wordpress plugin by Matt Mullenweg.

It is a simple plugin that allows you to create a link to which will redirect to a random post on your blog, in a StumbleUpon-like fashion. But it does not work on WordPress 2.0 and if you’re serious about your blog, you should be on WordPress 2.1, a wonderful blogging platform and I agree you should upgrade to WordPress 2.1 to enjoy all the amazing features (like hidden post formatting options). New versions have fixed bugs and security issues which could allow blog hacking.

You have to decide if you want to showcase your popular content, or any random article. But if like the concept of “previous” and “next” posts, then random posts should interest you. Did you get the random redirect wordpress plugin for your blog? Show me your random post.