Register .Asia Domain Names: Landrush Open

.Asia Domain NamesDotAsia Organisation has officially launchedLandrush for the .Asia top level internet domain name and now anyone can register .Asia domain names worldwide. The Landrush phase will close on March 12, 2008, and it is a good time to buy your favorite .asia domain name or win a domain name auction for it.

Buy .Asia Domain Names

The .ASIA gTLD will allow companies, organisations, events and individuals within the Asia community to establish their online identity in a regional context. After the landrush phase was opened on 20 February, a total of 266,663 applications were received by the registry within the first 24 hours!

This Landrush was preceded by the Sunrise process – Sunrise 1 provides priority for governments in the community to reserve and register domains; Sunrise 2 allows Registered Mark owners to obtain domains corresponding to the marks they own; and Sunrise 3 allows registered companies, organisations and other entities in the DotAsia Community to obtain domains corresponding to their entity names. Sunrise 1 (SR1) is preceded by a Pre-Sunrise period when governments from the region are invited to submit to the .ASIA Registry a list of Reserved Names.

The DotAsia Organisation is the sponsoring organisation and the registry operator of the .ASIA top-level domain. I checked that World’s Largest Registrar – is also selling .asia domain names. We buy all our domains from them.

Remember .Asia Landrush opened Feb 20 and will close on March 12, 2008. After Landrush concludes on March 12, Go Live (i.e. start of normal First-Come-First-Served registration process) is scheduled from March 26, 2008. Its your chance to invest in the most prestigious and potentially profitable cyber real estate in Asia.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.