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US National Do Not Call Registry: Stop Telemarketing Calls

  • Tips

Do you receive unsolicited calls and want to stop them? Do you receive telemarketing calls on your phone throughout the day delivering interest free loans, offering free credit cards etc…

National Do Not Call Registry gives you a choice about whether to stop receiving telemarketing calls and most telemarketers should not call your number once it has been on the registry for 31 days. The National Do Not Call Registry is managed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency. It is aimed for phone users in the US.

do not call registry

You can register your home or mobile phone for free and registration is valid for five years. After you register, your phone number will show up on the registry by the next day. Telemarketers and sellers will be required to search the registry at least once every 31 days and drop from their call lists the phone numbers of consumers who have registered. Read this FAQ for more information.

This service is only for personal phone numbers and Business-to-business calls and faxes are not covered. You can also ask to delete your phone number later if so needed. The fine print in question 29 of that FAQ reads that “Because of limitations in the jurisdiction of the FTC and FCC, calls from or on behalf of political organizations, charities, and telephone surveyors would still be permitted, as would calls from companies with which you have an existing business relationship, or those to whom you’ve provided express agreement in writing to receive their calls.”

So register your phone number and stop Telemarketers and other agents selling products like insurance, credit cards and loans!