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About Us

Quick Online Tips, also fondly known as QOT, is a popular blog that regularly publishes Technology news, practical blogging tips, social media buzz, marketing tips, SEO, SEM, and useful computer software. Launched in 2004, QOT has come a long way and is now a respected blog in the tech, blogging, marketing, and social media niche. With our new responsive web design, you should get a great user experience on any sized mobile device also.

  • Easier ways to access QOT
  • Short URL for mobile devices:
  • Easy to remember .tips domain name: QuickOnline.Tips

Best Tech Blog Award

Blog award

QuickOnlineTips blog won the best technology and Internet blog in India award at the WIN14 blogging awards.  WIN’14 was India’s first blogging conference and blogger awards meet held on 9 February 2014 in Mumbai and was hosted by BlogAdda. QOT competed against several top blogs to win the award, in a jam-packed conference event.

QOT became a member of the 9Rules Technology Channel – a popular blogging network featuring the most popular content of the Independent web. 9rules is well known for choosing the most selected best blogs and its buzzing round of submissions and selections is well known.

9rules member


Recommended on BBC Click, the BBC flagship technology TV show, where Kate Russell showcased her selection of the best sites on the World Wide Web.


Recommended reading source by top Indian Express newspaper and Business Standard.

“The blog is dedicated to Computers, Internet and application based information. But unlike most geek jobs, it doesn’t drone about some glitch you never noticed. Its all about having fun with the computer, Internet and the functionality that can be drained with two.”

Daniel Scocco,  an authority blogger (from Daily Blog Tips) in the blogging niche  listed us as #4 top blogs about blogging

Best Blog

Liz Strauss, founder of SOBCon, one of the most thoughtful, prolific bloggers has listed us in top 20 Wildly Sticky, Successful and Outstanding Blogs on Blogging.

Best WordPress blog

WPMU, a respected resource on WordPress blogs has listed QOT in the WPMU 100,  a popular collection of the best 100 WordPress blogs on the Internet. It is a carefully chosen list and contains the best WordPress blogs out there.

Lorelle VanFossen (of Lorelle on WordPress) – a leading keynote, trainer, writer, and web consultant and author of the popular book  “Blogging Tips: What Bloggers Won’t Tell You About Blogging” has some nice words about us.

“I’ve been looking around for some top notch tips for bloggers blogging their way across the web and I ran across Quick Online Tips…..It continues to offer some of the latest information on WordPress and blogging industry news, along with the continued 10++ for information and content. Great job!”

  • QOT was also chosen as a member of Forbes Business and Finance Blog Network, a reputed conglomeration of top niche blogs for featuring high quality rich media ads. The network shut down later as Forbes discontinued the service.
  • PR Newswire added us to their popular Blogs We Love feature and blogged and recommended us to their readers and followers.

best blogging blogs

Zac Johnson, a super affiliate expert, and web marketing expert has added our site at #14 to the very popular slideshow about the Top 50 blogs about blogging.

We have had the opportunity to interview some of the most influential people on the web like Muhammad Saleem (topmost Digg user and social media celebrity), Lorelle VanFossen (Top WordPress Blogger), Mani Kartik (top tech blogger and SEO consultant) and Atul Arora (top Techmeme tipper). QOT has often been mentioned on top web properties like Techcrunch, Techmeme, Lifehacker, Engadget, Problogger etc.


  • QOT is also featured at #17 in the list of Top 25 Blogs That Will Help You Make Money Blogging on Get Rich Click!: The Ultimate Guide to Making Money on the Internet by Marc Ostrofsky – a New York Times best-selling business book.
  • You can find us listed as a valuable resource on Alltop Blogging Channel.
  • Blogranks is a popular resource that ranks blogs based on various categories and criteria. QOT ranks us at top among the top #2 rank India blogs and #5 Blogging Blogs.

top blogging rank

top india blog

bloggy awardWe even won a Bloggy award.

“This blog is a tekkie’s paradise. Latest updates on Google, Firefox and other giants of the Web. Announcements of freebie software and downloads. Reviews and product releases. If you’re interested in web services, technology news, software and tips on smart blogging, this is the place to go.”

About the Author

QOT is maintained by P. Chandra,  a dedicated blogger from India. He has a keen interest in Blogging, Technology, Gadgets, internet trends, and social media buzz.

He is designing and experimenting with web tools since  1995. After making successful websites on Geocities, and Tripod in earlier days, he started to share his tech and blogging experiences on QOT which was started on Blogger in 2004. Then he switched to WordPress in 2006. QOT has been a very popular blog!

Follow him and join the QOT community.

Contact him at  

QOT Influential Social Network

25000 RSS readersQOT is a top weblog from India widely read by bloggers, webmasters, technology experts, social media and internet marketers, SEO /SEM gurus, web designers, and geeks who are interested to take their blog to a new high, learn secrets of blogging success and monetization and want to keep updated about breaking technology developments, new media, social media and buzz of the blogosphere.

This dedicated targeted audience follows us regularly with a large number of active daily RSS feed readers, 135000+ Facebook followers, 4000+ Twitter followers – who get instantly updated headlines whenever a new article is posted. Get our free email newsletter or try other ways to subscribe to our blog and keep getting daily fresh content from Quick Online Tips. You can see our designs on Redbubble Shop.

capYou can also join the QOT community on various social media channels like

Site Set Up

QOT is proudly powered by WordPress and hosted by A2 Hosting turbo servers which provide superfast site speed. Vaultpress safely works in the background to safely backup our site. Here are some of the WP plugins we use that power our site. You can check out our office setup as well and the gadgets we use.

I bet you want to know the story behind the QOT logo and how we moved from Blogger to WordPress.  Read more site news.

You can contact us to suggest a tip, advertise here at competitive rates, or browse some geeky projects we are involved with. Thanks for reading QOT and being part of the experience. Hope we came upto your expectation and you got some tips worth your time. Before you leave – here are 5 Things About QOT You Never Knew!