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Guest Post Format Guidelines

guest post format

Please first read the benefits of guest blogging here, and then please follow the instructions carefully to format and send your article to us. Please note we have strict content and linking policies and may modify it from time to time to comply with good practice guidelines.

Guest Post Preparation Guide

First-line – Choose the text carefully as first-line automatically becomes the META description tag of the article and affects search engine search result rankings.

Format Article Text – Add bold, underlines, break into paragraphs and try bullets, numbered lists to get a better copy.

Add Subheadings – its a good idea to split your article by subheadings. Only use h2-h3 tags.

Link policy – Kindly add only related and essential links to other sites that are required for the article. Please note all links will be no-followed. You can search this site for related articles and links to our articles for internal linking. Your site link can only be added in the author byline with nofollow and the same keywords, and NOT inside the article. See how nofollow links can be useful as well.

Images – At least a single relevant image is needed as it helps to get a better reader response. Free-for-use images can be obtained from Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexels, etc. Indicate the source of the image for credits.


The purpose is to provide a platform for author exposure. All articles need some information about the true author.

  • We will link to 1 website link to your personal site or Social Media link to sites like your Facebook/Twitter/Insta profile.
  • We will add only nofollow links to all the author sites and social media accounts in the byline.
  • Anchor text – same for your own site title or .com/.net etc. Do not link to SEO-targeted keywords. e.g. If your site name is, we cannot link it to “tech news”, we can link it to MyCoolSite or only.
  • We will not link to unrelated author bylines e.g we will not link to pharma or real estate links on a tech article. We will usually not link to products in the byline. We will usually not link to paid, hired third-party/freelance professional writers linking to different products or services purely for links / promotional purposes. 

How to Submit Guest Article

  • Send by email –  to editor @ (contact us).
  • HTML  format is best. We also accept MS Word or .txt
  • Images as attachments.  Please send un-resized un-compressed PNG, we will crop and optimize it. Confirm the source of the image for credits.
  • Send your Twitter URL to add to our Twitter guest bloggers list.
  • Publishing Time – We sometimes discuss with the author to edit the article to make it perform better for you. The article will go live ASAP (1 hour -5 days) depending on how well you have formatted the content.

After Article is Published

I suggest you read these 15 Secrets of Successful Guest Bloggers. It has some tips to get a better response to your article in terms of traffic and authority.

  • Answer Comments – readers may like to clarify issues and discuss them in comments. Having the guest author answer comments add to the credibility and better response.
  • Promote on social media sites –  submit your article to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest and share the article with more friends. If they like your article, they share it with more people and they are interested to know more about the guest author.