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India Technology Bloggers

India Technology Bloggers was a network of top Indian bloggers who blog about software, tech, blogging, web 2.0 etc. NOTE: The network is closed since 2010 and this post is for archival purposes.

ITB Network benefits

  • You get more extra RSS readers
  • Your articles are featured at par alongside other top blogs in the niche
  • There is no feed numbers game. All blogs get equal readership
  • Its free

How to Join ITB

Due to the large number of requests, invitation to the network has to be restricted to maintain quality based on some parameters. If your blog fulfills the following conditions, you have a good chance of getting accepted.

  • Most important you create unique and great content
  • You blog in the niche of technology, blogging, gadgets, SEO etc.
  • You blog regularly, >10 articles per month (preferably daily)
  • Your blog is over 6 months old
  • You have >200 feed readers on Feedburner chicklet
  • You are an Indian blogger

Send your blog url, feedburner url, and the feedcount chicklet url (if not displayed).


These are some of the logos we created to share with the members.

itb1 itb2 itb3

Notes : I am the network coordinator. I can join members and cannot regulate content, moderate posts or resolve blogger conflicts. The network is powered by Yahoo Pipes and Feedburner.