
Tips and tricks about making money online with Google Adsense and doing it like a pro.

New Google Adsense Unit Format Released

The Adsense unit format is changing again and 3 new text and url placements will come to play in a few weeks on the most popular 300×250, 336×280 and 728×90…

Google Adsense Sticker

Google Sent a Free AdSense Sticker!

As I anxiously opened my latest Google Adsense cheque, I was surprised to find a free Google AdSense sticker inside the envelope. Long time back Google had previously offered similar free…


How My Google AdSense Hold Got Removed

How I got my Google Adsense hold removed? Last month I had shared my own experience with Google AdSense here at QOT. The post received many comments and new publishers…

Google adsense mistake

My Biggest Mistake with Google AdSense

Want to know about my biggest Google Adsense mistake? Like most of the bloggers I started my blog monetization with Google AdSense. Just after two and half months of online…

How to Increase Adsense Revenue

Many people build a website or blog with dreams of creating huge amounts of Adsense revenue.  These dreams generally finish after months of frantically driving visitors to their sites through…

New Google Adsense Expandable Ads

Google Adwords now allows advertisers to create Expandable ads to display on sites with Google Adsense. Expanding the rich media ads to the next level, it is bound to meet…

No Google Adsense Christmas Gifts This Year!

Google Adsense might not be sending out Christmas gifts to its top Adsense publishers this year. It’s disappointing, but it seems the global recession and job layoffs are taking their…